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After a user chooses a Life Problem Topic, they then choose one of nine possible Letter Action Formats that best conveys what they want to communicate. Each of the nearly 1000 Life Problem Topics has Nine Different Therapy Action Letter Formats written specifically for that Life Problem Topic.

The Nine Action Format Categories are:


In the "Confront Someone Category" the user will always find 3 Therapy Letter Options to choose from reflecting 3 Different Levels of Confrontation.



The second level of confrontation is available for the WTW user if they're initial attempt to begin a dialogue or start a communication was met with no response. The Level II Confrontation is also meant to encourage a response from the receiver, but in this level, the sender clearly indicates their disappointment with the lack of response or effort the receiver gave to discuss the problem or feelings shared. The Level II Confrontation Letter discusses the possibility of setting limits or boundaries with the receiver if they continue to ignore the sender's feelings or concerns.


The third and final level of confrontation is available for the WTW user when both the Level I and Level II attempts to communicate failed and produced no response from the receiver. The Level III Confrontation Letter is a final attempt to engage the receiver and ensure that they realize there are definite plans being made to set specific boundaries and limits with them. Although a Level III is still an opportunity for the receiver to begin a productive effort to communicate or put effort into changing one's behaviors or attitudes, it is clearly a final attempt by the sender to reach out to the receiver.

Each of the nearly 1000 Life Problem Topics found within the 36 Life Problem Categories will offer the user three levels of Confrontation. Three life problem areas (Addiction issues, Medical issues and Mental Health issues), will also include two other types of Confrontation letters. These additional categories offer the WTW sender letters to Confront the receiver about Not Seeking Appropriate Professional Treatment and Letters to Confront The Receiver for Not Responsibly Following Through With Treatment that was recommended. Each of these 2 other types of confrontation letters also have three levels to invite the receiver an initial, second and third and final time to respond to the feelings or concerns of the sender


A Take Responsibility and Apologize Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to admit, disclose, take responsibility and apologize for their role in a specific relationship problem or for their inappropriate behaviors, attitudes or their lack of effort to follow through with responsible care for their emotional or physical health.


A Defend Oneself or Deny Responsibility Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to deny or disagree with someone. This letter is used when the sender wants to deny their role in a specific relationship problem or defend against what they believe are false accusations and perceptions of their behaviors, attitudes, or their lack of effort to follow through with responsible care for their emotional or physical health.


A Forgiveness Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to forgive someone for their role in a specific relationship problem or for their negative behaviors, attitudes, or lack of effort to follow through with responsible care for their emotional or physical health.


A Motivate, Support, or Encourage Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to motivate or show appreciation, thanks and support to someone. This type of letter is given to someone who has shown a great deal of effort, commitment and dedication to deal with a specific relationship problem, negative behavior/ attitude or previous lack of effort to follow through with responsible care for his or her emotional or physical health.


A Disclosure Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to admit or disclose important information about themselves to a particular receiver. The information will relate to their specific role in a relationship problem or for their inappropriate behaviors, attitudes or lack of effort to follow-through with responsible self-care for their emotional or physical health.


A Congratulations Letter is sent by the WTW user when they want to congratulate someone who has made personal life changes to address their specific role in a relationship problem; or for changing their inappropriate behaviors, attitudes or lack of effort to follow-through with responsible self-care for their emotional or physical health. A Congratulations Letter is also sent by a WTW user when they want to congratulate someone for accomplishing significant goals or achievements in their life.

Below is an example of all nine letters available to purchase from one life problem topic under "Commitment".


Your inability to commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me makes it impossible for me to continue in this relationship.

A. Confront or Hold Someone Accountable

a.) Level I - Your inability to commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me makes it impossible for me to continue in this relationship.

You've had a great deal of difficulty committing to our relationship and remaining faithful to me for quite some time. Your behavior is making it impossible for me to remain with you. This situation has drained me of all my energy and has me questioning myself all day long. I feel devalued and have begun to lose self-respect. I can't go on wondering when the next significant betrayal is going to occur. It's been far too stressful and I won't accept living like this any longer. If you can't commit to our marriage then at least be honest with me so that I can start to make decisions that will ensure my own emotional health for the future. I hope you can understand my feelings about this. Let me know what your plans are. I'll be waiting to hear from you. Thanks for listening.

b.) Level II - Your inability to commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me makes it impossible for me to continue in this relationship.

I have already told you how hurt and upset I am that you have been unable to fully commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me. I'm disappointed and don't understand why you haven't made any attempt to talk to me about this. You should really think about the impact this is having. I hope you'll make a decision to talk to me soon. If you continue to avoid the issue, I'll have no choice but to make future decisions that will ensure my own emotional health and well-being. I hope you change your mind and I hear from you soon. Thanks for listening.

c.) Level III - Your inability to commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me makes it impossible for me to continue in this relationship.

I have repeatedly shared with you how upset and hurt I am that you have been unable to fully commit to our relationship and remain faithful to me. I really don't understand why you haven't tried to talk to me about this situation or put any effort into resolving this. I have been patiently waiting to hear from you, but obviously you've decided that you'd rather not talk about it. It's clear that you don't care about my feelings and that I need to ensure my own emotional health and well-being from this point on. If you decide to change your mind and want to talk, please let me know soon.

B. Take Responsibility and Apologize for this Problem

I want you to know how sorry I am for continuing to be unfaithful to you and be unable to make a complete commitment to our relationship. The last thing I ever wanted to do was to hurt you or make anyone upset. There is no excuse for my behavior. I wanted to let you know that I have made a real commitment to change and that I'm extremely sorry for the problems I have caused. Thank you for caring enough to confront me about this and for helping me to understand that I needed to make some changes. I hope that someday you will be able to accept my apology.

C. Deny or Defend Yourself

I know that you think I have been unfaithful to you and unable to make a serious commitment; but I don't agree with what you're saying. Even though I feel I haven't done anything for you to be upset with me, I want to apologize for any hurt that I may have caused you. I know you feel differently about this and it's really unfortunate that this has come between us. I'm willing to sit down and talk to you if you think it would help us resolve our differences. If you'd like to talk about this, please let me know.

D. Forgive Someone

It means a lot to me that you were willing to take responsibility for not being able to keep your commitment to me. I know that you are sincerely sorry and I appreciate all of your effort to make this situation better. We all have to deal with stressful times in life, but it's important that we stay respectful towards one another during those difficult moments. I hope going forward we'll protect each other from hurt rather than cause it for one another. I forgive you and hope we can put this behind us.

E. Encourage, Motivate and Support Someone (relationship improvement)

I want to tell you how much I appreciate the effort you've made to remain faithful and demonstrate your commitment to our relationship. Even though we've gone through some difficult times, I know that you've tried really hard to improve this situation. I want you to know that it means a lot to me when I see you caring to make things better. We need to continue to be open and insist on being respectful towards one another at all times. Thank you so much for the effort you're putting into resolving this issue.

F. Disclosing to Someone

I need to share something with you that I haven't been able to talk about. I wanted to tell you sooner but I have been avoiding the issue. I realize that I have been unable to remain faithful and committed to our relationship. I am so sorry that I continue to hurt you in this way. Please let's talk.

G. Congratulate or Thank Someone

I want to thank you for the effort you've put into showing me that you are willing to commit to this relationship. I know that it's not always easy to make certain changes, but I am proud of the commitment you've made to deal with this situation. Every positive change we make helps us live to our fullest potential and reinforces the trust that we share with one another. Thanks so much for all of your effort to make things better. I'm really proud of all the changes you made.

Below are three more examples of Confrontation Letters (including levels I., II. and III.) from a Life Problem Topic found under "COMMUNICATION", "CONTROL", and "EMOTIONAL ABUSE".


I feel that we constantly bicker and engage in power struggles.

A. Confront or Hold Someone Accountable

a.) Level I - I feel that we constantly bicker and engage in power struggles.

I wish we could stop bickering as much as we do. It seems like we're constantly fighting over trivial issues. We need to figure out why we are both so stressed and easily frustrated with each other. Maybe it's that we've built up resentments or frustrations that we haven't shared with one another. Whatever the reasons are, it's important that we find the underlying cause of what's going on. Going to battle every day over virtually non-important issues is not how I want to live my life and I doubt you want to live that way either. When we first got together, my plan was to protect you from hurt. I don't want to be the one creating hurt in your life any longer and I certainly don't want to be on the receiving end any more either. Please let's get together and talk about what we both can do to reduce the hostility and bickering in the house. Thanks for listening.

b.) Level II - I feel that we constantly bicker and engage in power struggles.

I have already told you how hurt and upset I am that we are constantly bickering and engaging in power struggles. I'm disappointed and don't understand why you haven't made any attempt to talk to me about this. You should really think about the impact this is having. I hope you'll make a decision to talk to me soon. If you continue to avoid the issue, I'll have no choice but to make future decisions that will ensure my own emotional health and well-being. I hope you change your mind and I hear from you soon. Thanks for listening.

c.) Level III - I feel that we constantly bicker and engage in power struggles.

I have repeatedly shared with you how upset and hurt I am that we are constantly bickering and engage in power struggles. I really don't understand why you haven't tried to talk to me about this situation or put any effort into resolving this. I have been patiently waiting to hear from you, but obviously you've decided that you'd rather not talk about it. It's clear that you don't care about my feelings and that I need to ensure my own emotional health and well-being from this point on. If you decide to change your mind and want to talk, please let me know soon.


I feel that I have no say in this relationship.

A. Confront or Hold Someone Accountable

a.) Level I - I feel that I have no say in this relationship.

For a long time I've allowed you to take away my voice in this relationship. I probably allowed that just to keep the peace. Being so thoroughly cut off from any input into the major decisions that affect both of us is just not fair. And frankly, there will need to be a significant change soon or I will be making decisions that will ensure my own emotional health and wellbeing. When we first met, you didn't start out treating me like this. I don't know what you are afraid of, but you seem to have a real need to be in control of everything. I guess I have kept the peace long enough by being the good little soldier; now it's time for me to ensure my own survival. Hopefully we can arrange for me to have real input into our life's decisions and future plans; otherwise I will be put into a position to start making plans without your input. I hope we will be able to work this out; but, right now the ball is definitely in your court. If I don't hear from you, I will take that as your decision to not work this out with me. I hope you'll get ahold of me. Thanks for listening.

b.) Level II - I feel that I have no say in this relationship.

I have already told you how hurt and upset I am that you don't allow me any say in our relationship. I'm disappointed and don't understand why you haven't made any attempt to talk to me about this. You should really think about the impact this is having. I hope you'll make a decision to talk to me soon. If you continue to avoid the issue, I'll have no choice but to make future decisions that will ensure my own emotional health and well-being. I hope you change your mind and I hear from you soon. Thanks for listening.

c.) Level III - I feel that I have no say in this relationship.

I have repeatedly shared with you how upset and hurt I am that you haven't allowed me any voice in our relationship. I really don't understand why you haven't tried to talk to me about this situation or put any effort into resolving this. I have been patiently waiting to hear from you, but obviously you've decided that you'd rather not talk about it. It's clear that you don't care about my feelings and that I need to ensure my own emotional health and well-being from this point on. If you decide to change your mind and want to talk, please let me know soon.

Emotional Abuse

I need you to respect the limits that I am setting with you in my life.

A. Confront or Hold Someone Accountable

a.) Level I - I need you to respect the limits that I am setting with you in my life.

You know that I've been trying to become a stronger and healthier individual. And with that, I needed to learn how to set better boundaries and limits with people who have repeatedly hurt me in some way. I am committed to ending those abusive situations and if you want to remain with me, you are going to have to respect the limits and boundaries that I have chosen to set. I will never allow myself to be anyone's victim again. It may become hard for you to deal with all these changes in such a short period of time. I am sorry for that; but I can't be deterred from my ultimate objective of finding inner peace and value. I need to be able to ensure my own happiness from this point on. I certainly hope we can work this out. I just needed to let you know that this change is real and will be a part of who I am from now on. So let me know if you are supporting me at this point. I really need you to be honest with me from now on. I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks for listening.

b.) Level II - I need you to respect the limits that I am setting with you in my life.

I have told you how concerned I am that you continue to hurt me by disrespecting the limits I set with you. I'm disappointed and don't understand why you haven't talked to me about this. I hope you can begin to realize the impact this is having on me. You need to make the effort to talk to me so that I can decide what I need to do. If you continue to avoid the issue, I'll have no choice but to make future decisions that will ensure my own emotional health and well-being. I hope you change your mind and begin to deal with this issue. We need to sit down and talk soon. Thanks for listening.

c.) Level III: - I need you to respect the limits that I'm setting with you in my life.

I have told you several times how concerned I am that you continue to hurt me by disrespecting the limits that I set with you. I don't understand why you haven't been motivated to make any changes or put any effort into resolving this issue. I have been patiently waiting for you to talk to me about this but I guess you don't intend to do that. It's clear that you don't care about my feelings and that I need to ensure my own emotional health and well-being from this point on. If you change your mind and decide you want to work on this, please let me know real soon. Thanks for listening.