I feel that you avoid intimacy with me.
I feel that you are pulling away and disconnecting from me.
I am convinced that your frequent masturbation has affected your libido and reduced your desire to be with me physically.
I feel that you are not attracted to me anymore.
I feel that you pull away from kissing me and show me little physical affection.
I feel you are more into teasing me than wanting to start a real relationship.
It hurts me that we are not sleeping in the same bed anymore.
I feel that my sex drive is much higher than yours and it's causing problems in our relationship.
I feel that my sex drive is much lower than yours and you shouldn't personalize that.
I need more physical affection.
I need to let you know that I don't intend to have sex before marriage.
I find it difficult to share my sexual desires and needs with you.
I feel that we need to talk more openly about our sexual relationship.
I feel that my sexual needs are not being met.
Throughout our entire relationship you have never told me that you loved me.
I am very hurt that I am the only one that ever initiates intimacy or physical affection.
I feel that we need to spend more time alone together.