Please stop talking openly to family, friends and strangers about our personal matters.
I am really upset you are dating my ex.
You betrayed my trust.
You joined in with the others to talk about me behind my back.
You betrayed our relationship.
You betrayed your family.
You betrayed our agreement.
You betrayed my confidence.
I feel hurt and betrayed to find out that our relationship wasn't as close as I thought it was.
I am hurt that you are treating me differently and ignoring me.
I feel completely used and disrespected since you took advantage of me in our business deal.
You betrayed our friendship.
You continue to break commitments that you made to the family.
I feel that you hid money behind my back and kept secrets about our finances.
You betrayed our conversation.
You shared our personal family business in public.
You betrayed me by saying one thing and doing another.
I am tired of you gossiping, telling rumors and talking behind my back.