You need to understand that I am not willing to bring others into our relationship.
I am very hurt that my own sister is unable to accept the fact that I am gay
I am very hurt that my own parent is unable to accept the fact that I am gay.
I am sorry that you feel I hurt you when I told you I was gay.
I will be forced to end our relationship if you can't accept me for who I am.
I was very hurt when I found out that you were making gay jokes behind my back.
I'm writing to let you know how proud I am for you standing up and being true to yourself.
I am writing to tell you how proud I am that you stood up to the discrimination that you faced for being gay
Even though certain religions may reject us, remember that our higher spiritual power is reflective of pure love and acceptance and will always invite us to sit at the table.
Thank you so much for being our surrogate parent and allowing us to bring new life into the world and extend our family.
Just because I am gay doesn't mean that you should view me as a threat to your children.
The world is sometimes hurtful and will likely treat us unfairly, but I am sure our love will be enough to carry us through the difficult times.
I hope that someday, as my family, you will be able to love me and accept me for being born gay.
You need to leave me alone because even though you think I am gay I am definitely straight.
I am less shocked about you telling me that you are gay than the fact that you lied to your family about this for so long.
I hope you will agree to use a surrogate to start a family together.
I am very hurt by your family's lack of acceptance of our relationship.
I am very hurt that as a friend, you're unable to accept the fact that I am gay.
I am very hurt that my own brother is unable to accept the fact that I am gay.