I feel that you are always trying to blame me or someone else for your problems.
I feel that you don't show any desire to change your ways.
I feel that you won't take the time to get the help you need.
I feel that you won't help plan our future goals.
I feel that you won't take any advice.
I feel you need to start putting more effort into our family.
I feel that you haven't completed your court ordered responsibilities.
I need to hear you say that you are sorry for what you did.
I feel that you never ask for any help from your family or friends when you really need it.
I feel that you never apologize or take responsibility for any of the problems we have.
I feel that you are not taking care of your hygiene.
I feel that you need to stop trying to blame me for your affair.
I feel that anytime you have a serious problem, you run from it rather than to work through it.
I feel that you are taking advantage and using people to solve your problems.
I feel that I'm the only one that cooks for us.
I need you to start putting more effort into helping me with our family finances.
I feel that you continue to not show enough effort and responsibility with our new baby.
I feel that you need to give me more help around the house.
I feel you need to take more responsibility to find a job.
I feel you need to be more responsible and hold a job once you get it.
I feel you need to take more responsibility caring for our pets.
I feel you need to take more responsibility to care for our parents.
I feel that you need to stop trying to blame me for all of your anger and stress.
I feel you need to take more responsibility to care for our mother.
I need you to take more responsibility to care for our father.
I feel you need to take more responsibility caring for our car.
I need you to be more responsible when you are babysitting.
I feel that you need to stop trying to blame me for your poor choices in life.
I feel that you are not admitting your share of responsibility or apologizing for your part in our problems.
I feel that you need to be more supportive of me if I am going to be able to deal with this pregnancy.
I feel that you rarely help plan any family or social activities.
I feel that you show little effort to try to heal our relationship.
I feel that you haven't shown any effort to improve the situation so I am leaving.