I feel you are often irritated, angry and avoid talking through our problems.
I feel you need to try to pay more attention to my needs.
I feel you are upset with me for some reason.
I feel that we constantly bicker and engage in power struggles.
I feel you are very sensitive and often misinterpret my intent and take things too personal.
I feel that your emotional over reactions are making it impossible for me to communicate with you.
I feel you didn't include me in your decision to marry.
I feel we need to come to some middle ground regarding our different financial management philosophies.
I feel you have a difficult time compromising and it is jeopardizing our relationship.
I feel you mumble when you talk and then blame me for not hearing you.
I feel you listen to everyone else, but shut me out when I try to talk to you.
I feel we have some significant issues we need to sit down and talk about.
I feel we need to learn to communicate without yelling and raising our voices.
I feel whenever I try to talk to you, you get mad and avoid the discussion.
I feel you talk to me with little respect and act like you despise me.
I feel when we talk, you have to always be right and dominate the conversation.
I need you to stop running out of the house every time we argue.
I feel so unappreciated in this relationship.
I feel you show very little respect for the advice and recommendations that I give to you.
I feel you express your emotions without censoring anything.
I feel you rarely express your feelings when you're upset and I tend to be more open and direct.
It seems that you haven't contacted me in a while and I want to make sure that everything is okay between us.
I'm upset and hurt that you won't communicate with me.
Please talk to me.
I feel we need to be communicating more openly to prevent future pregnancies.
I feel you don't include me in family decisions that affect me.
I feel you never listen to me.
I feel you need to listen to me more.
I have tried to work this out with you, but you don't seem to care, so I am done trying till I hear from you.