I feel that we are still playing out our childhood roles and problems with one another.
It is upsetting to me that you don't show any to respect your siblings.
I feel that we are disconnected and have grown apart.
I feel that we need to respect each other more and try to resolve our issues.
Even though the family may be treating you unfairly, you need to know that I am fully supporting you.
I appreciate everything you have done for our family.
I appreciate everything you have done for our parents.
I feel that we need to make a plan to share the responsibility of caring for our parents.
I feel that you are bossing me around.
I feel that you continue to disrespect my property.
I feel that you always try to flirt with and steal any girl I'm interested in.
I feel that whenever there is a problem you always make me look like I'm the bad guy.
I feel that you are trying to flirt with and steal any boy I'm interested in.
I feel that you are trying to steal my friends away from me.
I'm upset that you are going to live away from home.
I feel that you seem to always get most of mom's attention.
I feel that you seem to always get most of dad's attention.
I am hurt that you act as if you want to do stuff with me when we are alone and then when your friends come over you act as if you don't want me around.
I know that you had it tough growing up because everyone compared you to me.
I feel that you have put me down and bullied me my entire life.
I feel that we need to reconcile our relationship.
I feel that when we were growing up you were the hero child and I was the black sheep.
I feel that you never give me any private time when my friends are visiting.
I feel that you never give me any privacy in our home.
It's really upsetting to me the way you are treating our parents.