I am really concerned about the impact your drug and alcohol abuse problems are having on our dating relationship.
I am really concerned about your binge spending addiction.
I am really concerned about your addiction to the computer.
I am really concerned about your pornography addiction.
I am really concerned about your addiction to texting.
I am really concerned about your addiction to food.
I am really concerned about your addiction to masturbation.
I am really concerned about your addiction to shopping.
I am really concerned about your addiction to golf.
I am really concerned about your addiction to sports.
I am really concerned about your addiction to sugar.
I am really concerned about your drug and alcohol dependency problems.
I am really concerned about your sexual fetish addiction.
I am really concerned about your addiction to smoking.
I am really concerned about your addiction to driving fast.
I am really concerned about your addiction to stealing.
I am really concerned about your addiction to sex.
I am really concerned about your addiction to always needing to be in a new relationship.
I am really concerned about your addiction to craft projects.
I am really concerned about your addiction to hobbies
I am really concerned about your addiction to television.
I am really concerned about your addiction to fishing.
I am really concerned about your drug abuse.
I am really concerned about your addiction to your work.
I am really concerned about your addiction to possess expensive material items.
I am really concerned about your addiction to jewelry.
I am really concerned about your addiction to the cell phone.
I feel you are not taking care of your recovery and addiction issues.
I am really concerned about your drug dependency.
I am really concerned about your gambling addiction.
I am really concerned about your alcohol abuse.
I am really concerned about your alcohol dependency.
I am really concerned about your hoarding problem.
I am really concerned about your credit card abuse.