Let me be free to make my own choices in my life.
You need to stop threatening me every time you get upset with me.
I don't know why, but I feel you are less forgiving of my mistakes than any other family member.
I know you have helped me quite a bit, but I really need a lot more help from you.
I need you to stop threatening to divorce each other every time you argue.
Please don't talk badly about the other parent in front of me.
I am having difficulty accepting your decision to date so soon after losing my parent.
I am having difficulty accepting your decision to date so soon after the separation
I feel that you think you can pick my friends.
I feel that you judge the people I date.
It upsets me when you put down my friends.
It hurts me when you constantly judge me and try to control my decisions.
It scares and hurts me when I see you drink so much.
It scares and hurts me when I see you smoking pot.
It scares and hurts me when I see you using drugs.
I think you need to start doing more with your life.
I am tired of you blaming illnesses and disabilities for your laziness.
It's really hard to have a discussion with you because of your over reactions.
I feel you are getting really selfish and only think about your needs.
You are acting really cold towards me and I need more affection.
I feel you are way too strict and try to limit my freedoms for no reason.
I need you to be able to trust me.
I feel you abandoned me after the two of you split up.
You need to stop discriminating against other races in front of me.
You need to stop trying to force your political views on me.
You need to stop trying to force your religious views on me.
You need to help me more around the house with chores.
I need more privacy when I am on the cell phone or the computer.
I am hurt that we had to move so much during my childhood.
I feel that you brought home men that scared me and were mean to me when I was younger.
You brought home men that abused me when I was younger.
I feel that you never protected me from being abused when I was growing up.
I am hurt that my whole childhood I was scared of you because of your unstable moods.
Please stop cheating on my mom.
I am hurt that you were physically abusive to me when I was growing up.
I am hurt that you emotionally abused me and belittled me when I was growing up.
I am hurt that you neglected me and never took care of me like a parent should have when I was growing up.
I resent that you tried to ruin the relationship I had with my other parent.
I feel that my whole childhood was lost because I had to be so responsible.
I feel that you sheltered me so much that I was socially isolated while I was growing up.
I feel that you drank heavily in front of me and it scared me when I was growing up.
I am angry that you did drugs and partied in front of me when I was growing up.
I feel that you brought men home and had sexual relations without worrying about what I saw or heard.
I feel that you squelched my creative voice and sense of independence by over protecting me and never listening to any of my feelings when I was growing up.
Please stop cheating on my father.
I feel that you never trusted me to be a responsible child and as a result helped to create a lot of self doubts and insecurities in me.
I am very hurt and upset that the two of you continue to fight in front of me.
I don't like the way I see you both putting each other down in front of me.
You need to understand that just because you go out with somebody or date them does not mean that I will automatically feel a connection with them or accept them.
Please stop yelling at me and just talk to me.