I feel that you continue to hurt me with your words and behavior.
I can't tolerate your demeaning putdowns and belittling comments any longer.
I feel that you constantly make me the brunt of your jokes.
I feel that you are taking out all your stress on me and I can't bear it any longer.
I feel that you have tried to keep me under your thumb by emotionally abusing me and I refuse to accept it any longer.
I need you to respect the limits that I am setting with you in my life.
I will no longer allow myself to be a victim of your emotional abuse.
I'm afraid of you and walk on egg shells when I'm around you.
You make me feel like I'm a complete disappointment to you.
I feel that you are constantly mean to me.
I will not tolerate you making me feel that I am always doing something wrong.
You need to stop calling me names.
You shouldn't accept the emotional abuse that's been occurring.
I need to know why you didn't protect me from abuse when I was a child.