I feel you are bragging too much.
I feel you are vulgar and disgusting.
I feel that your lack of success in life has come from the poor choices that you have made.
I feel your attitude and behavior around people with physical or mental challenges is disrespectful and rude at times.
I feel you always have to be the center of attention.
I feel upset when I see you lead people on in relationships just to get your needs met.
I feel you are sarcastic.
I feel you are hateful.
I feel you are rigid and inflexible.
I feel you are unfriendly.
I feel you are argumentative and oppositional.
I feel you are arrogant, conceited and snobbish.
I feel you are self-centered and narcissistic.
I feel you are critical and judgmental.
I feel you are bossy and domineering.
I feel you are less than generous.
I feel you are obstinate and stubborn.
I feel you are pessimistic and negative.
I feel you are selfish and miserly.
I feel you are overcautious and timid.
I feel you are nervous and tense.
I feel you are oversensitive and touchy.
I feel you are easily frustrated and annoyed.
I feel you are impatient and intolerant.
I feel you are unappreciative and ungrateful.
I feel you are overly candid and direct.
I feel you are rude and disrespectful.
I feel you are taking too many risks.
I feel you are impulsive.
I feel you are loud and noisy.
I feel you are monopolizing conversations.
I feel you are shy and introverted.
I feel you are immature and childish.
I feel you are moody and irritable.
I feel you are careless.
I feel you are disorganized.
I feel you are unconventional.
I feel you are treating others with a better than you attitude.
I feel you are not compassionate.
I feel you are dishonest and sneaky.
I feel you are secretive.
I feel you are finicky and nitpicky.
I feel you are lazy and irresponsible.
I feel you are apathetic and complacent.
I feel you are always acting silly and foolish.
I feel you are rowdy and unruly.
I feel you are a workaholic.
I feel you are violent and dangerous.
I feel you are a user.
I feel you are a know-it-all.
I feel you are negligent and irresponsible.
I feel you are jealous and distrusting.
I feel that you are preaching religion to everyone.
I feel you are lacking spirituality.
I feel you are indecisive and confused.
I feel you are a procrastinator.
I feel you are disloyal and untrustworthy.
I feel you are defiant and disobedient.
I feel you are overspending.
I feel you are angry, short tempered and combative.
I feel you are suspicious and distrustful.
I feel you are reckless and impulsive.
I feel you are a phony.
I feel you are a cheater.
I feel you are filled with self-pity and a poor me attitude.
I feel you are a bad listener.
I feel you are not punctual.
I feel you are unreliable
I feel you are a nonconformist.
I feel you are overly liberal and permissive.
I feel you are mean.
I feel you always need approval.
I feel you are uncaring.
I feel you are misperceiving and misinterpreting.
I feel you are not able to manage your moods.
I feel you are aloof and distant.
I feel you are avoiding conflict.
I feel you are not spontaneous.
I feel you are tough and unemotional.
I feel you are isolating.
I feel you are a perfectionist.
I feel you are disrespectful.
I feel you are trying to be a tough guy.
It bothers me to see you start rumors and gossip about people that you claim to be friends with.
I feel that you are hurting people with your gossip.
I am very upset you stole from me.
I feel upset that you cheated someone for your own gain.
I feel very upset that you were caught stealing.
I feel your life revolves around money and materialism.
I feel you behave inappropriately out in public.
I feel you need to stop bullying me.
I need you to pay me back the money that you owe me.
I feel you are rude, obnoxious and impolite.
I need you to return the property that I loaned you.
I don't like it when you show off around your friends.
I feel that I can't condone your criminal behavior any longer.
I feel it is rude to hear you constantly brag about your children.
I feel you always seem to monopolize our conversations.
I feel your competitive nature and attitude when you lose makes it difficult to be involved in activities with you.
I feel very upset that you have resorted to cheating in order to win.
I feel hurt that no matter how often I drive you somewhere you have never offered me gas money.
I feel upset that you use profanity and disrespectful language.
I feel you behave contrary to the values of our family.